Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) brought the rule “Per Day Per Sim” (PDPS) from 27th September, 2011. As you all know, you can be able to send only 100 SMS per day per sim, according to this rule. It is hard to hear for lots of SMS Lovers as they can use only 100 SMS per day and their freedom is taken away by TRAI.
Here some suggestions and tips are given to overcome this situation by optional resources. First suggestion is to use your SMS per day in limit, which is already done by TRAI. The second one is to utilize entire character limit of 160 per message if your chat conversation is lengthy so that you can reduce the usage number of SMS and also have an effective use of SMS.
If you require a heavy usage of messages due to your more sociality with friends, then continue reading.
To overcome this situation, you need firstly 2 requisites.
- A smart phone or at least a Java compatible device.
- A minimal Data plan is necessary. Nowadays, almost every user has an active data plan but if you don’t have, then get any lowest/cheapest data pack accessible with your operator. Because only Kbs* of data is needed in all this. If you are active on a data plan always, then it is an additional advantage.
- WhatsApp Messenger
- Nimbuzz
- Ebuddy Messenger
- Fring
- Skype
WhatsApp Messenger, a cross-platform mobile messaging app will be your favorite app from all the available apps, as it will fullfill all the needs. WhatsApp Messenger allows you to swap messages without any cost. This mobile messaging app is available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and Nokia. Besides to basic messaging, Android, BlackBerry, iPhone and Nokia WhatsApp Messenger users can also send unlimited images audio and video media messages to each other.
This app gives a number of awesome features. Some of this features include:
- Free SMS and MMS
- Group Chat
- Multiplatform
- Chat Background
- Push Notifications
- Custom status
- Instant Contacts
The most awesome features of WhatsApp are; integrating ability into phonebook, ability to recognize all the WhatsApp registered contacts depending upon their Phone Numbers and ability to give a status message when anyone is typing a message for you.
This App will be easily incorporated to your phone book and automatically start on load. This App will be available always in the background to acquire you every incoming messages from your friends. If you are offline, then your messages will be delivered to you definitely after your signing in. The Favorites section from pic recognizes all the WhatsApp installed contacts automatically and sorts them in the list and also shows their status. So if your phone book’s all contact members use this app, then they all will come under Favorites section and you can chat with each other using the data.
This is an awesome platform which can received by just installing a small App and by use of little data, you can send unlimited files or messages. With the built in feature, you can also send an invitation to persons who have not installed WhatsApp. With Delivery Report feature, you will get a Tick on your message when it is delivered.
You will get an awesome messaging experience with “WhatsApp Messenger” and it will give freedom from disturbances in-between continuing conversations caused by normal notifications of sms balance. So acquire a WhatsApp Messenger and break limits of your Rocket speed messaging.
Now talking about the other Apps, you can install them depending on your curiosity and also suggest your friends for installing the same to stay connected with each other using the App. These all other Apps depend on your registered E-Mail or User ID and not on your Phone number. WhatsApp application is more efficient as all other Apps require everybody to register a User ID new or
E-mail. Function of all the other Apps is just like normal Offline/Online Messengers. The other Apps may be available or may not be available on all platforms.
If you don’t get satisfaction with these apps or other simple suggestion given above, then there is one other suggestion also. Purchase some extra SIM cards or a dual SIM mobile so that SMS limit can be extended with use of all the limitations on the remaining spare Numbers.
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